UKCLA Annual General Meeting and Round Table – UK Constitutional Law Association

10th January 2024

The UKCLA Annual General Meeting will be held in person at 1.30pm on the 10th of January 2024 in the Keeton Room, Bentham House, University College London, 4-8 Endsleigh Gardens, London, WC1H OEG. The AGM is open to all paid up members of the UKCLA.

All UKCLA members are invited to an in person Round Table conference following the AGM on the 10th of January 2024. The AGM will be held between 1.30 and 2.30pm. The conference will start at 2.40pm and will run until 6pm. Non-members who would like to attend should send their request to Professor Leyland who will indicate whether places are still available or not. Professor Leyland’s email address is [email protected]

It would also be helpful if UKCLA members emailed Professor Leyland if they are attending.

The Round Table

Welcome: Sebastian Payne, President UKCLA (2.40pm – 2.45pm)

Federalism and the UK: Ideas Beyond a Unitary State

Conference Director and Chair: Silvia Suteu (UCL)

This event takes stock the UK’s evolving devolution arrangements and considers potential   developments of the territorial constitution. Federalism may have been taboo in these conversations in the past, but it has become increasingly difficult to avoid asking the “F-question”. We may well continue to reject the federal label for the UK but the unitary one also does not appear to fit anymore. This conference will bring a fresh set of perspectives from scholars of federalism and multilevel governance whose approaches are both deeply knowledgeable of the UK’s arrangements and comparatively informed. They will ask whether federalism can be a helpful lens not just descriptively, but as a generative constitutional idea that may in time come to better capture the UK’s constitutional reality. The discussion will therefore aim to sidestep stale institutional debates and focus instead on a more nuanced understanding of the relevance of federal ideas to the UK.

Panel 1: The Federal Idea and the United Kingdom (2.45pm – 4pm)  

Chair: Silvia Suteu 


 Stephen Tierney (Edinburgh University and Legal Adviser to the Lords Constitution 


The Federal Idea and the United Kingdom


Coffee/Tea Break (4.00- 4.30)

Panel 2: Federalism, Constitutional Asymmetry and Bi-Cameralism: Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives (4.30pm -6pm)

Chair: Silvia Suteu 


Patricia Popelier (University of Antwerp):

Constitutional Asymmetry in Multilevel, Multinational Systems: The UK in Comparative Perspective.

Cristina Fasone (LUISS University, Rome):

 Bicameralism in Multilevel Systems: The UK in Comparative Perspective


(NB: These are the working titles of the talks and the final titles will be confirmed ahead of the conference in January) 



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