Solange 50th Anniversary Conference/ Global South Network lecture – Supreme Constitutional Court of Palestine – UK Constitutional Law Association

Constitutionalism Beyond the State and the Role of Domestic Constitutional Courts

30-31 May 2024, WZB Berlin Social Science Centre

Almost fifty years have passed since the German Federal Constitutional Court rendered one of its most widely discussed and influential decisions: Solange I. On May 29, 1974, the Court famously held that it would review European Community law by the standards of German constitutional law as long as the Community had not received a catalogue of fundamental rights, which is adequate in comparison with the catalogue contained in the German Basic Law.

It is not our intention to “celebrate” Solange I, but to revisit the landmark decision critically; to reassess its historical context, its legacy, and its significance today with the benefit of fifty years of academic reflection; to trace the ensuing transformational judicial and political development; to examine the various and partially competing narratives flowing from the decision; to analyze Solange as an integral part of the European constitutional heritage and consider it as a prism to study European constitutional history.

The conference is organized by Mattias Kumm, Kriszta Kovács and Andrej Lang and will include renowned speakers such as Doris König (German Federal Constitutional Court), Karen J. Alter (Northwestern University) and Eyal Benvenisti (University of Cambridge), among others.

The full programme is available here, and for further details see

We look forward to welcoming you to the Solange 50th Anniversary Conference. Attendance is free of charge; however, the number of participants is limited to 125. To register, please send an email to [email protected] by Wednesday 15 May 2024.


Mattias Kumm
Inge Rennert Professor of Law at NYU
Research Professor on Global Constitutionalism at WZB
Professor of Law at Humboldt University Berlin

Kriszta Kovács
Associate Professor at ELTE University Budapest
Research Fellow of the WZB Research Professorship Global Constitutionalism
Senior Research Fellow at SCRIPTS Berlin

Andrej Lang
Visiting Professor in Public Law at European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)
Senior Researcher at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

The Supreme Constitutional Court of Palestine: Past, Present, and Future

Justice Ali Jamil Muhanna will deliver the online lecture titled ” The Supreme Constitutional Court of Palestine: Past, Present, and Future” during the judges guest lecture series of the Global South Network (GSN) on Tuesday 7 May 2024 at 12:00 pm Palestine/ 11:00 am UK time.

To register for the lecture please click here:

Previously, judges of the constitutional courts of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Maldives, Mexico, and South Africa delivered lectures during the GSN judges guest lecture series:

GSN is an interdisciplinary network that brings researchers, students, teachers, civil society, practitioners, and policy makers together to promote networking among these groups, and inform policy making. It aims to promote interdisciplinary research on the Global South and enhance international networking amongst the above groups. Please see the details (aims and objectives) of GSN at its WordPress website:



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