New home and New Twin Door Fridge. Ranked by price –

Property Investment 101: New home and New Twin Door Fridge. Ranked by price.

It’s impossible to live without a refrigerator yeah

If you are buying a new home, please buy a good refrigerator as you should be able to use this refrigerator for longer than whatever warranty is has provided. As for aesthetics purpose, I always think a twin door refrigerator gives me more pleasure versus the typical top and bottom door. I have no idea if I am the odd one out yeah. Just a preference.

I used to own a twin door fridge but it broke down and it’s too expensive to fix as it’s already very old. Should be over 10 years. So now I have two fridges in my current home. I think for my new home which I hope to move in by Q2 2024, I will bring one of the two over from my current home and then buy another one which is likely to be a twin door. This is why I research and thus I share this with all of you.

Capacity versus Price. Below ranking is just based on price.

Please note the difference in the capacity yeah. Sometimes more expensive but it’s bigger in storage size too. If it has 4 doors, it meant that you should save electricity as you are not opening the whole fridge and just that area you like to take the things from. Just need to remember which is which. 🙂

#10 Most Expensive (out of the 10 here yeah)

It’s a LG.

#9 – Electrolux – 634 litre

#8 – Sharp – 700 litre

#7 – Haier 628 litre

#6 – Toshiba 623 litre

#5 – Samsung 511 litre

#4 -Xiaomi 430 litre

#3 – Midea 507 litre

#2 – Hisense 520 litre

#1 Cheapest of them all. TCL – 505 litre

Nope, I do not own TCL brand yeah. Haha.

It has the same initials as my name. :) If only I own this brand. Haha. It’s a brand from China and is now exported to 160 countries. This is their website: I bought a TCL LED TV before for my condo in Sandakan but it broke down just after its warranty period. I have no idea if I am the only one unlucky owner.

My favourite brand for fridge is still SHARP because of a good experience thus far. Then again, price will likely to play a huge part in the decision lah. Too many electrical goods I have to buy. Cannot be buying everything also the higher priced ones lah. We shall see. Happy deciding everyone.

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