Holding on to what you have got in a world full of scams – kopiandproperty.com

Personal Finance 101: Holding on to what you have got in a world full of scams

Let’s just look at some recent unfortunate news where people were scammed by the ever improving scammers. These days, they may not be individual scammer anymore and it could well be one big organisation where the people could even be incentivized based on the successful scams. From all the readings, it seems that these scammers are specialists too. These days, the scammers could employ even the A.I. too. This, plus the fact that people think money could easily be earned meant that we see sad news being reported frequently.

Source: https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2024/06/12/seremban-man-loses-rm13mil-of-savings-and-firm039s-money-to-investment-scam
Source: https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2024/06/06/retiree-savings-of-almost-rm5mil-wiped-out-by-scammers
Source: https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2024/01/27/kl-retiree-loses-over-rm10m-to-crypto-investment-scam/114862

If it’s exceptionally amazing returns, why should we GET it?

Think about it logically and rationally. Let’s say you know of an amazing scheme where the returns are exceptional. Do you even need to share with strangers? Why not take it all for yourself? If I know of such investments, I will quietly invest my money and I will NOT need to look for people to invest lah.

Also, if it’s so amazing, then the introducer just need to introduce to ONE bank would do lah. Why need to introduce to so many people? A bank would have been able to invest billions versus needing many tens of thousands of people to have the same amount of investment.

Fixed Deposit rate is just a 3 percent per annum. Assuming the investment gives 1 percent per month or 12 percent per annum, I should note that it’s not possible. There are no companies where they can give consistent returns every month! Plus the more we invest, the more the returns are. Erm… sounds more like gamble?

Be vigilant. Share with more people that scammers are now very advanced. Thank you.

Please share with people you care.

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