Google Local Service Ads Sends Email Asking For Photos

Google is sending some Local Service Ads advertisers emails asking them to upload photos to their profiles. The email says, “Photos are coming to your Local Services Ads. Upload images to your profile to help your business stand out.” But don’t LSAs already contain photos?

Matt McGee posted a screenshot of the email he received on X where it wrote, “Since you already have some photos in your Local Services Ads profile, you’re off to a great start. For the best results, we recommend uploading a few more. Add images today and we’ll take it from there.”

Here is that email:

Google Lsa Photo Email

Anthony Higman who has a ton of experience with LSAs said this shouldn’t be a new thing:

But as Matt McGee added, the “logo and headshot already in my wife’s LSA account. Sounds like they’re adding more.” He added:

Did any of you get this email? I guess Google will be showing more photos in Local Service Ads?

Forum discussion at X.



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