Daily Search Forum Recap: February 16, 2024

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.

Google says again, what Google wants to rank well in search is what users like, so do what users like. Google’s right to be forgotten take down notices no longer share specific details. Here is how some SEOs use the link data within Google Search Console. Google virtual try-on has model height. Google is testing left aligned logos in the knowledge panel. Plus I posted the weekly SEO video recap.

Search Engine Roundtable Stories:

  • Search News Buzz Video Recap: Google Search Ranking Update, Recipe Blogs Drop, Google Hits Reviews & More SEO, PPC and Local

    This week, we covered another unconfirmed Google search ranking update that hit on February 14th and 15th. Google has some bugs or changes that really hurt recipe bloggers big time right before the Super Bowl. Google’s featured snippets disappeared for a couple of hours…

  • Google: Google Search Wants What Your Website Users Want

    Google’s Danny Sullivan said it again, when it comes to what you do on your website, Google Search wants what your users want. Sullivan wrote, “Virtually everything someone asks about what Google wants, the touchstone is “Is this what your reader / audience wants?” Because that is what Google wants. “

  • How SEOs Use Google Search Console Link Data

    How do you use the link data within Google Search Console? That is what John Mueller of Google asked earlier this month, and he got a nice list of uses for the link data within the Search Console.

  • Google Removed Details From Right To Be Forgotten EU Takedown Notices

    Google has updated its right to be forgotten EU takedown notices and details to not show the specific URLs and to stop notifying publishers of these requests. This is a big change from how these initially worked back in 2014.

  • Google Search Virtual Try-On Models Now Displays Model Height

    In June, Google introduced virtual try-on models to some clothing

  • Google Tests Left Aligned Logo In Knowledge Panel

    Google seems to be testing aligning the logo to the left in some knowledge panels within the search results. Typically the logo would show up on the right top corner, but now Google is testing the logo at the left top corner.

  • Google Colored Latte Pattern

    Here is a latte made at the Google office, it has the Google colors and a tree pattern. I recently found this on Instagram but it is actually from over six years ago.

Other Great Search Threads:

Search Engine Land Stories:

Other Great Search Stories:

Industry & Business

Links & Content Marketing

Local & Maps

Mobile & Voice



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