Ageing (Aging), Aged and Super Aged nation. Huge difference yeah. –

Ageing (Aging), Aged and Super Aged nation. Huge difference yeah.

Malaysia is NOT yet an aged nation yeah

Article in with this title: “Population estimates show that Malaysia has reached aged nation status in 2021.” Just click to read in full. The article explained about the number of Malaysians aged 100 and above. I think this is why the writers concluded that Malaysia is an aged nation. It’s not true yeah. Malaysia is now an ageing nation and yes, it has been reported that we have been an ageing nation since 2022 which is correct based on demographic stats. However, we are nowhere near an ‘aged nation’ yeah.

Other articles quoting ageing or aged or super aged

Here’s one earlier article about ageing, aged and super aged nation too. Malaysia expected to become a super aged nation by 2056.

Here’s one earlier article about Singapore becoming aged nation in 2017 and it will become a super aged nation by 2026. (Yes, 2 years away). “Initiatives in place to tackle ageing issues as S’pore hits ‘super-aged’ status in 2026: Health Minister.”

Thailand is an aged nation since 2005. Article in World Health Organisation. (Click here to read)

Japan’s super ageing society. They are the oldest super aged nation in the world. Article in (click to read)

United Nation’s definition is this:

“The United Nations refers to the share of the population over 60 to define how old a country is.
For developed countries a line drawn at age 65 is preferred, because this is normally when
people can claim social security. Thus, a country is defined as “aging” when the share of people
aged 65+ is above 7 percent, “aged” when it is 14 percent or more, and “super-aged” when it
exceeds 20 percent.” Source here:

Here’s an image for us to have an overview

Malaysia is not in this chart because we just achieved ageing nation in 2022 / 2023. These nations are ahead of us in this race to super aged nation.

Image source:

The way we invest will be different when a nation becomes an aging, aged or super aged nation

One example is that we may want to invest into products and services catered to the elderly. Buy shares of companies which are in the right business will provide good dividends. Buy companies focused on health products and services maybe.

Property which are right-sized with the right attributes is another example. The elderly does not need a super big house yeah. They need a home which is has a community with good recreational facilities. They may need a home to be close to medical care or even provides access to medical professionals within a short period of time for example.

When the nation’s demographics changes, we need to know and take the appropriate actions yeah. Happy knowing.

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