Affordable Housing is ministry’s main thrust –

KPKT News: Affordable Housing is ministry’s main thrust

Affordable Housing, how should it be done?

Majority of Singaporeans stay in HDB flats. HDB stands for Housing Development Board and this is a public housing authority. Briefly, this is under the government and it seeks to ensure all Singaporeans have an affordable place they can call home. If you have a home in the country, then that country is your home. Else, anywhere could be a home. Here’s one latest news about HDB flats’ appreciation too.

Meanwhile in Hong Kong, the government does not build affordable homes by itself but seeks public-private partnerships instead. It sees public housing as a responsibility but constructing it should be left to the property developers who have more expertise. The government will facilitate this to happen. Latest news here: Hong Kong government partnership with private developers

Here in Malaysia, it’s a mix bag of both. Read what our Ministry of Housing and Local Government (KPKT) main thrust is at the latest news below:

Article in The Ministry of Local Government Development is now known as the Ministry of Housing and Local Government (KPKT). 

In a statement, KPKT said that providing affordable housing remains the ministry’s main thrust, with a target of constructing 500,000 housing units nationwide, especially for the B40 and M40 groups through the 12th Malaysia Plan.

“The improvement of people’s living conditions will always be prioritised to enhance the well-being and quality of life, serving as a catalyst for the nation’s progress.” the statement read. — Bernama Do read the full article here: Article in

Every Malaysian should be helped to own a property

It could be through the government’s own initiatives of building more of these IN RIGHT LOCATIONS and ensuring only people who does not have a home could buy them. Please note that the homes are subsidised by the taxpayers money and I hope that it goes to the right people and not just some greedy property investors yeah. This is what is in place in Singapore yeah. One cannot just keep buying HDB flats. When one intends to upgrade, they have to sell their current unit.

It could be through government’s partnership with private developers where the requirements of affordable homes are within any masterplan so that the private developers could also help increase the speed of these new homes. The government can help these private developers with incentives too or else nothing happens lah. Private developers also need to earn sufficient profits in order to be a viable business model.

All the best dear KPKT. If ideas are needed, write to me yeah.

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