2024 is “take-off” year for the Malaysian economy. Says who? – kopiandproperty.com

2024 is “take-off” year for the Malaysian economy. Says who?

Sorry, I do not believe our economy is in “bad condition”

Every time the business is not doing as well as it “SHOULD” then the economy is bad. Sales affected by more competition, the reason is because the economy is not doing well. Hello… take a look around you. Maybe once upon a time, there were just you. Maybe now there are 10 other similar brands and more than half may be increasing their sales and opening new stores super quickly yeah. If you are still thinking that it’s because of the economy and stop transforming quickly in view of competition, then all the best to you yeah.

Same industry, some have extra, some thinking of leaving. Wondering why.

I have friends in the real estate who’s travelling in some snow covered countries today. Somehow their photos always show up in my Facebook to tell me that even if they did not say how much commission they are earning, their lifestyle is an envy of many people who’s having same pay month in and month out. :) 

Of course, at the same time, there are also real estate negotiators who told me that their sales have been affected since the Covid-19 days. Well, Covid-19 days refer to which days yeah. It seems that Covid-19 days are back even if our newly minted Health Minister says that things are still under control and there has been no discussion on any movement control order yeah. So, perhaps these people could seek greener pastures elsewhere. Maybe the real estate industry is really not suitable.

Okay, who said that Malaysia’s economy is going to take-off in 2024?

Article in nst.com.my Maybank Investment Bank Bhd (Maybank IB) called 2024 the “take off” year, where execution and implementation of the blueprints, masterplans and roadmaps, with fiscal reforms and economic restructuring are high on the government’s agenda.

It noted that implementation of targeted rationalisation of fuel subsidy in 2024 would be the key element of fiscal reforms, while the Progressive Wage Policy (PWP) will be the main event for economic restructuring.

The bank also looks forward to better corporate earnings growth in 2024 as well as improved earnings in most sectors with gloves and aviation sectors to turn profitable. Do read here for the full article: Article in nst.com.my

Take-Off and Lift-Off are two different things yeah. Former is starting, latter is flying (up, up and away!)

Just need to note that “take-off” term used by Maybank Investment Bank here means there will be a lot of important measures will be implemented. They are very important because it will be rationalising the blanket subsidy which is not targeted at those who really need it while benefiting those who should be without it.

It is not “lift-off” yeah. At first, I also thought wow… means the economy will boom when they use the term take-off. Nope, it’s about how many important measures will be starting in 2024. that’s why it’s going to be called a “take-off” yeah. By the way, if all these measures are successfully implemented, who knows, maybe 2025 is known as a “lift-off” year?

Happy anticipating.

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